Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome back!

Spirit of Peace Return to In Person Worship 

It has been over one year since we last met in person for worship at Spirit of Peace.  Since then we have worshipped in the Luther Memorial Parking last summer, through Facebook and Zoom, with a variety of officiants. With the availability and efficacy of the vaccines, we can now safely return to in person. The Spirit of Peace Return to Worship Committee and the Council have set June 13 for return to in-person worship. That will be a Moravian Service lead by Pastor Christie. We will begin with the following restrictions:

  • Everyone will be required to wear masks. We will have extra masks at the entrance. Worship leaders may be unmasked when they are speaking or singing. 
  • The congregation will not sing - music will be offered by David Melby Gibbons and others for subsequent services.
  • We will socially distance for seating. The pews have been marked for seating; every other pew will be empty. Family groups may sit together. Ushers will direct congregants to seating and guide congregants in exiting when the service is complete. We can seat 24-30 in the sanctuary - not counting the pastor and musicians. 
  • There will be no social hour after the worship service
  • Please maintain social distancing. Do not touch , hug or shake hands without consent. 
  • If you feel a sneeze or cough coming, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow. 
  • Use hand sanitizer upon entering Spirit of Peace - available at the front door. 
  • Communion will be “Moravian Style” - even at subsequent services!
  • We will continue to stream the service through Facebook Live. This will allow anyone not comfortable with returning,  shut-ins, and those out of town to have access to the service 

The COVID-19 virus is transmitted from an infected individual to others as an aerosol through coughing, sneezing and even normal breathing. Singing is an activity that could spread the virus through the air to nearby individuals. Immunization reduces the risk to individuals several orders of magnitude for infection, and immunized individuals are unlikely to transmit the virus per the CDC. Initially, we will ask attendees to sign in. If one of our attendees tests positive, other attendees would be notified and if vulnerable, likely asked to quarantine. Notifications would come from the City or State Health Department. The identify of the individual would not be revealed.  If you feel ill (See below), have symptoms of COVID 19, or have been exposed to someone who tests positive, we ask you to join our service virtually from the Spirit of Peace Facebook page. 

When we are confident that a significant majority of our attendees are immunized, then we may relax these initial restrictions and proceed to more normal fellowship and worship participation. We do not expect anyone to reveal their immunization status if they do not wish to. 

We encourage everyone to get vaccinated for the health and safety of everyone, to protect those who are not able to be vaccinated yet. This includes children under 12 and people with certain medical conditions. 

So please join us as Spirit of Peace returns to in person worship. 

Symptoms of COVID-19 Infections

  • Cough
  • Fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Two or more of the following:
    • Headache
    • Sore throat
    • Body ache
    • Malaise/fatigue
    • Runny nose
    • Stuffy nose
    • Sneezing
Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church
5505 W. Lloyd St., Milwaukee, WI 53208
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