Love, Joy, Peace...
We believe in God the creator, ...

... whose love is the life force of the universe; who believes in us, trusts us and empowers us; who lives in us and through us and fills us with wonder. We believe in Jesus, God’s own son; who shows, through his life, the heart and character of God; who lived to raise up the lowly and to bring peace to all people; who loved those unloved, fed those who hungered, healed those with sickness; who taught adults and laughed with children; who was crucified for speaking truth to power; who was raised by God to live forever, and who inspires us to truly live. We believe in God’s Spirit, who brings the mystery of God into our hearts; who guides us through a familiar whisper of truth; who sparks our creative passions, who comes to us in the bread and wine; who gathers us into one family; who uses our abilities and gifts, and who sends us out to be the good news. Amen.

Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church
5505 W. Lloyd St., Milwaukee, WI 53208
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